Sheet-level Controls Reference

Referencing Sheets

Sheet Name

This is the human-readable name by which you want to call your sheet. It can be anything you want and has no impact on the table name, nor does it refer to the actual sheet name on google sheets

  - sheet_name: wow_such_a_cool_sheet_name_9000
    sheet_key: 10J67dhgTRqtI_lm4bf9B02nZu6zu9u9r9h2VABTjRXd
    target_schema: sandbox # this will override the profiles.yml entry
    target_table: bb_test_sheetwork

Sheet Key

This corresponds to the unique identifier of a google sheet. You can find it in the middle of the URL of the sheet when it's loaded in your browser. This is the only method by which sheetwork identifies the sheet in your google account.


Each google sheet can be made of several tabs or (worksheets). By default sheetwork will ingest the first sheet available. If you want to target a specific tab you need to provide its name in the field labelled worksheet:

  - sheet_name: wow_such_a_cool_sheet_name_9000
    sheet_key: 10J67dhgTRqtI_lm4bf9B02nZu6zu9u9r9h2VABTjRXd
    worksheet: Sheet2
    target_schema: sandbox # this will override the profiles.yml entry
    target_table: bb_test_sheetwork


Target Schema

You can choose a target schema for each sheet. NOTE: you may have configured a profile-wide target_schema variable in your profile.yml. If that is the case, the sheets.yml entry will have priority (override) over that global one.

Target Table

This variable controls the name of the table as it will land on your database it can absolutely be different from the sheet_name, but that is entirely up to you.

Snake Case Camel

If you set snake_case_camel to true column names which are SnakeCased will first be converted to camel_case. This is particularly handy as most databases do not have column names that are case sensitive so you'd potentially end up with a column name that looks like SNAKECASE or something like that.

  - sheet_name: wow_such_a_cool_sheet_name_9000
    sheet_key: 10J67dhgTRqtI_lm4bf9B02nZu6zu9u9r9h2VABTjRXd
    worksheet: Sheet2
    snake_case_camel: true # this will convert camelCased col names to snake_cased ones

Columns Controls

The columns section of the sheets.yml allows you to do some more fine-grained sanitisation as well as control data-type casting.

Column Data Type casting

You can control the datatype of a column if you want to make sure that it lands in your database in a type other than varchar which is the default behaviour.

In the example before for example, Col_a is going to be converted into an integer

  - sheet_name: wow_such_a_cool_sheet_name_9000
    sheet_key: 10J67dhgTRqtI_lm4bf9B02nZu6zu9u9r9h2VABTjRXd
    worksheet: Sheet2
    snake_case_camel: true # this will convert camelCased col names to snake_cased ones
      - name: Col_a
        datatype: int
      - name: col_numeric
        datatype: numeric
      - name: col_b
        datatype: varchar

Column Renaming

When name: alone is used, sheetwork assumes that you want to refer to the column in sheetwork and your database in same way as it is in the sheet. For example, in the example above you can see that Col_a has capitalisation which is likely to the the way in which it appears in the sheet.

This might not always be ideal if the name in the sheet is complicated, or long etc. You can cause sheetwork to rename the column by providing an identifier: varible which will refer to the column as it appears in the sheet and now the name: variable can be anything else you like and importantly, it will also be the name of the column in your database.

  - sheet_name: wow_such_a_cool_sheet_name_9000
    sheet_key: 10J67dhgTRqtI_lm4bf9B02nZu6zu9u9r9h2VABTjRXd
    worksheet: Sheet2
    snake_case_camel: true # this will convert camelCased col names to snake_cased ones
      - name: a_better_column_name
        datatype: int
        identifier: "A not so fun name in the google sheet"

Not all datatypes are currently supported, if you require an "illegal" datatype, the yml validator will let you know. See "What datatype casting do you support" for more information. If this doesn't work out for you, feel free to open an issue or to reach out on Discord

Excluded Columns

Sometimes you may not want to ingest the entire sheet. You can easily exclude columns from the ingestion process by providing a list to the excluded_columns variable

  - sheet_name: wow_such_a_cool_sheet_name_9000
    sheet_key: 10J67dhgTRqtI_lm4bf9B02nZu6zu9u9r9h2VABTjRXd
    worksheet: Sheet2
    snake_case_camel: true # this will convert camelCased col names to snake_cased ones
      - name: a_better_column_name
        datatype: int
        identifier: "A not so fun name in the google sheet"
    excluded_columns: ["col b", "another col"

Yes, in theory you should be able to do included_columns if your list of excludes is too long. That is currently not yet supported but it's going to happen.

Last updated

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