sheetwork upload

sheetwork upload

Upload does what it says on the tin, it uploads a google sheet to your database.

How to run sheetwork upload?

Sheetwork prefers to be ran from the folder where your sheetwork_project.yml file resides. We'll touch on another way to do that in a later section but for now:

  • open a terminal window

  • activate the virtual environment in which you have set up sheetwork

  • navigate to your sheetwork project folder

cd ~/my_sheetwork_project

Then follow one of the methods below that fits your needs and setup.

The No-YAML-way

If you have not configured your sheet in a sheets.yml file you'll have to construct the following command:

sheetwork upload --sheet-key <google_sheet_key> --schema sandbox --table my_table --create-table

You have a sheets.yml configured?

Nice! We like to think this is the best way to experience the full potential of sheetwork. When you have your sheet configured the upload operation isn't that much different from the one shown above. If you have set always_create: true in your project.yml file your call could be as simple as that.

sheetwork upload --sheet-name my_google_sheet

If you want to override any of the sheet.yml configuration such as target shema and/or if you have not set the always_create: argument to true and your table isn't already in your database you can add those arguments on your call like so:

sheetwork upload --sheet-name my_google_sheet --schema production --create-table

Optional but Mighty Flags

What's shown above is the simplest way to run a google sheet upload and most often that's all you'll need. But here are a series of CLI arguments that might come in handy later on:

  • --sheet-name / -sn : sheet name as configured in your sheets.yml

  • --dry-run: when added sheetwork does everything except pushing to the database. It's a good way to test that most of the steps will work and saves surprises on your database.

  • --interactive / -i: runs sheetwork in interactive mode. This mode allows you to get a preview of the data that is loaded from the sheet, choose whether to clean it up, see the result of that and ultimately choose to push it or not to your database.

  • --target / t: name of the target to use as configured in your profiles.yml file

Running sheetwork outside of sheetwork project folders

This is not the preferred way to run Sheetwork. You will have to make sure you are referring to the right directories and be able to understand potentially strange error messages.

Although this is not the preferred usage, you might want the option of running sheetwork from anywhere on your disk. This comes in handy if you're running upload jobs on a scheduler machine and you do not want to complicate your job call with cd <your_sheeload_project> type of calls.

Directory Flags

You can use directory flags and provide paths to the set of necessary files for sheetwork.

  • --sheet-config-dir : absolute path pointing to your sheets.yml

  • --profile-dir: absolute path pointing to your profiles.yml file.

  • --project-dir: absolute path pointing to your sheetwork_project.yml file

CLI Call will look like this

sheetwork upload --sheet-name test_sheet --sheet-configdir /path/to/sheet_config 

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