sheetwork init

The init operation is a nice little helper that allows you to set up a new sheetwork project with minimal effort. It takes care of setting up the following:

  • your project folder (along with the sheetwork_project.yml file and some useful defaults)

  • your credentials files:

    • this means creating a ~/.sheetwork folder

    • placing a /google/<project_name>.json in which you can write your google auth credentials

    • and creating a profiles.yml file where you can declare your profiles and database credentials.

Basically making the configuration steps a little bit easier to work with

Setting up a project from scratch

sheetwork init can help you start a project entirely from scratch on your local machine and can be used as follows:

  1. navigate to the folder in which you want to set up your project cd /path/to_where_your_project_should_live

  2. if you are using sheetwork in a virtual environment, don't forget to activate it first

  3. sheetwork init --project-name my_awesome_sheetwork_project

If the init operation completed successfully you should see the following:

      / __/ /  ___ ___ / /__    _____  ____/ /__
     _\ \/ _ \/ -_) -_) __/ |/|/ / _ \/ __/  '_/
    /___/_//_/\__/\__/\__/|__,__/\___/_/ /_/\_\
Alright let's get to work 

❤️ Taking peanut butter and jelly out of the cupboard 🍇
Your new sheetwork project "sheetwork" has been created ✨.

Here is what happened behind the scenes:
~/your/path/my_awesome_sheetwork_project was created.

- Inside that project, we created "sheetwork_project.yml" containing the bare essentials to get you started.
- An empty google credentials file was dropped in /Users/ and we called it my_awesome_sheetwork_project.json
- If it was your first time setting up sheetwork on your machine, we also created a profiles.yml file

What you need to do now:
- Fill up your profiles.yml file. You can access it by running the following command:
      open ~/.sheetwork

For help on how to fill your profiles.yml file head over to:

You will need to fill up the my_awesome_sheetwork_project.json file with your google credentials key. 
For help see:

You might want to change some defaults in your /Users/ file. For help:

You might want to configure a sheet to import in your sheets.yml file. For help:

As you can see from the instructions, you will have a few things to do such as:

  • set up the content of your profiles.yml files with your database credentials and google user service account.

  • place your google auth credentials in the /google/my_awesome_sheetwork_project.json file that you obtained via the following steps

Setting up credentials only in case your sheetwork project was created manually or lives on a shared repository

In the case where you share a repo with someone else or an organisation, chances are the sheetwork project was already created and contains sheets in the sheets.yml file or the project's folder. However, if you have never used sheetwork on your machine or never worked on that project you probably wont have the credentials files set up already.

In that case you will want to use the init task with the flag --force-credentials-folders otherwise init will tell you that your project is already created and that nothing will happen.

  1. navigate to the folder in which you want to set up your project cd /path/to_where_your_project_should_live

  2. If you run sheetwork in a virtual environment, make sure you activate it first.

  3. sheetwork init --project-name my_awesome_sheetwork_project --force-credentials-folders

If the init operation ran successfully you should see the following message:

           ______           __                  __
          / __/ /  ___ ___ / /__    _____  ____/ /__
         _\ \/ _ \/ -_) -_) __/ |/|/ / _ \/ __/  '_/
        /___/_//_/\__/\__/\__/|__,__/\___/_/ /_/\_\

Alright let's get to work
❤️ Taking peanut butter and jelly out of the cupboard 🍇
sheetwork already exists, moving on to credential files.

Alright! Your credential and profile files have been creeated ✨

What you need to do now:

- Fill up your profiles.yml file. You can access it by running the following command:

    open ~/.sheetwork

- For help on how to fill your profiles.yml file head over to:

- You will need to fill up the my_awesome_sheetwork_project.json file with your google credentials key. For help see:

As you can see from the instructions, you will have a few things to do such as:

  • set up the content of your profiles.yml files with your database credentials and google user service account.

  • place your google auth credentials in the /google/my_awesome_sheetwork_project.json file that you obtained via the following steps

Et voila! You're all set

Last updated