dbt-sugar doc

Helps you document a model (both for model- and column-level descriptions)

dbt-sugar doc

How to run dbt-sugar doc?

dbt-sugar guides you through the process of documenting a model by asking you a series of questions such as whether you want to add a model-level description, column-level description, tests and tags. To start documenting a model, make sure you navigate to where your sugar_config.yml resides as dbt-sugar needs to run from your dbt-sugar's project location. To see how to configure the sugar_config.yml head over to the Sugar Config page.

  • open a terminal window

  • if you have installed dbt-sugar in a virtual environment, activate it

  • navigate to your dbt-sugar folder (the folder in which you have created your `sugar_config.yml`. For example:

cd ~/dbt_sugar

Call dbt-sugar doc and pass the following arguments:

  • --model the name of the dbt model you want to document

  • you can pass a --syrup which is the name of the config (See Sugar Config for more information) you want dbt-sugar to use. Syrups generally contain information such as which dbt_projects are in scope and where these projects live on your machine.

If you have configured a default syrup in your sugar_config.yml you do not have to pass it to the CLI for every run

dbt-sugar doc --model my_sweet_model --syrup maple_syrup

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