
What is sheetwork?

sheetwork is a handy open-source CLI-tool that allows non-coders to ingest Google Spreadsheets directly into their databases with control over data types, renaming, basic data sanitisation etc.

It offers a "close to no code" workflow that can still live alongside your codebase as all configuration lives in text files and is easily version-controllable. This makes it an ideal tool for teams.

sheetwork is still very much in its early inception do not use it for production jobs unless you have taken the time to thoroughly test it.

compatibility tested and developed on python >= 3.7, Mac OS >= 0.15. Our unit tests also pass on windows but no further extentive testing has been done on non UNIX platforms. I would love to provide more support for other platforms and welcoming testers or contributors. To help check how to contribute to the project!

Why use sheetwork?

Getting google sheets into any database, often requries writing custom Python code that interacts with the Google API. That's fine if you can write Python, but it may not always be an option. On top of that, if your workflow requires you to ingest a bunch of sheets you may find yourself writing the same boiler plate code over and over. Sheetwork offers a way to standardise and simplify basic sheet ingestion. It won't do a lot of transformations and doesn't have room for baking in much transformational logic because we believe this is best done by fully-fledged ETL open-source tools such as dbt.

How to use sheetwork?

Quick & "Dirty"

sheetwork is as simple and quick to use as it is too write the following line of code

$ sheetwork upload --sheet_key 123afakekey11 --schema sandbox --table my_table

Control over the content of your google sheet and how it lands on the database will be limited, and all columns will be materialised on your database as strings.

sheetwork project & YAML configuration

For maximum control over your content sheetwork uses .yml files to let you configure operations you might want it to perform on your google sheet such as type casting, renaming, sanitization etc. Here is what a basic sheets.yml file looks like:

  - sheet_name: test_sheet
    sheet_key: 123afakekey
    target_schema: sandbox
    target_table: my_google_sheet
    snake_case_camel: True
      - name: col_numeric
        datatype: numeric
      - name: col_b
        datatype: varchar
      - name: renamed_col
        identifier: "A long and dirty name"
    excluded_columns: ['to_exclude', 'col_not_in_df_for_fun']

All it takes to ingest your newly configured sheet is to call it in the command line with the following arguments

$ sheetwork upload --sheet_name test_sheet

Yep! It's that simple!

Now of course there's a lot more to it, so we'll see you in another section for sure!

Last updated

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